Mon - Sun: 10:00 am - 5:30 pm
(406) 490-2781

Payment & Shipping

We accept American Express, Diner's Club, Discover, MasterCard & Visa through our *Paypal System.

*Paypal service allows you to pay in any way you prefer, including by debit cards, credit cards or account balances, without sharing financial information.

All information that is collected on our website is transferred to us over a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Line.  This ensures that your information is encrypted and cannot be read by any other Internet users. 

All Shipments within the United States will be sent by either by United Postal Service (UPS) or First Class Mail from the United States Postal Service (USPS). You may select the level of Service (Speed of Delivery) from UPS during checkout. The shipping costs will be automatically calculated and displayed in the shopping cart before you checkout. Upon shipment you will receive an email confirming your package was sent and instructions on how to track the progress of your shipment via